What is it?
Neck CT scans can assess various anatomical areas of the neck, such as the larynx, pharynx and other deep structures of the neck that are not accessible by other techniques. In general, the CT (computed tomography) is one of the most reliable and safe examination methods available today.
It is quick, simple and completely painless.
CT scans use a device that emits X-rays, taking highly detailed axial images of your body.
Therefore, with a CT scan, the inside of your body can be portrayed with complete precision and confidence for later analysis by your doctor.
X-radiation in CT scans is minimal due to modern technology and the short duration of the scan.
However, in women of childbearing age, please inform the doctor/technician if you are pregnant or suspect pregnancy.
The NRD has a new Philips 128-slice CT scanner with state-of-the-art technology.
The new 128-slice CT scanner provides examinations with low radiation dose and high image quality for all patients.
With an innovative platform and workflows, the scanner enables excellence in CT imaging studies with consistently high image quality for all patients.
Neck CT with contrast
In certain CT scans, for better visualization/study of the digestive tract (abdominal and pelvic scans) and/or on medical advice, it may be necessary to drink an oral contrast.
In this case, you should come to the clinic between 1 and 2 hours before the appointment to have the oral contrast prepared.
Oral contrast does not require fasting.
In this CT scan, to complement the study and/or on medical advice, it may be necessary to administer a small injection of a contrast product (intravenous contrast), with which you may feel a sensation of warmth that will soon disappear.
Some allergic reactions to contrast have been reported. To avoid this, it is important to inform the Doctor/Technician of any possible allergies to medicines, food and if you suffer from any allergic disease (Asthma or Allergic Rhinitis).
In this case, you will need to fast for 4 hours.
You will receive this information when you book the exam.
Preparing for a CT scan of the neck
If the examination is to be carried out with intravenous contrast, the main preparation is a 4-hour fast.
In the case of pediatric exams, fasting will be between 4 and 6 hours (if performed with anesthetic support).
If the examination is to be carried out with oral contrast, you should come to the Clinic between 1 and 2 hours before the examination appointment to make the appropriate oral preparation.
Oral contrast does not require fasting.
You will receive this information when you book the exam.
You must bring all previous exams.
Orientation during Neck CT
The CT scan is carried out with the patient lying on a table (bed) which enters a small tunnel (apparatus), open at both ends.
You always have the opportunity to communicate with the Medical/Technical staff via intercom during the examination (5 to 15 minutes, depending on the area of the body being studied); however, it is only advisable to do so in between the examination sequences, in order to avoid any movement artifacts that could hinder the Medical reading.
- You should remain still during the examination.
- Please avoid swallowing during the exam.
- When examining the head and neck, you should remove all jewelry, staples, glasses, hearing aids and dentures.
Agreements and Prices of Neck CT
- SNS / ARS (the user does not pay any fee if they have their CT scan done at the NRD with a prescription from the Health Center);
- ADSE (user only pays the co-payment, usually 14€), IASFA, ADM GNR, SAD PSP;
- Insurers: Médis, Multicare, Advance Care, Allianz, Saúde Prime, Future HealthCare, SS CGD, SAMS Quadros, SAMS, Montepio, RNA, Generali, Mudum, MGEN, Aegon, Vitória, Una Seguros, other insurers;
- Health plans: Medicare, Saúde Prime, Future HealthCare, Continente Wells, ACP, other health plans.
The price varies depending on the health system or insurance you want to use. Learn more about CT price.
Where to do it?
CT scans can be carried out at the NRD, at the following address: Avenida Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, nº 11-B, r/c, 1070 – 060 Lisboa (Next to Praça de Espanha)