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Mammography with 3D Tomosynthesis

What is it?

Mammography with 3D Tomosynthesis is a new tool against breast cancer.

1 in 10 women develop breast cancer in their lifetime.
If the cancer is detected before it spreads to the lymphatic system or other parts of the body, the chance of a cure is very high.

Doctors and scientists agree that early diagnosis is the best defense against breast cancer.
If the cancer is detected at an early stage, the chances of a cure are greater.
The best method for detecting breast cancer early has been the
digital mammography.
Apesar desta ser uma das mais avançadas tecnologias disponíveis, tem algumas limitações, por disponibilizar apenas a imagem bidimensional da mama.

With this in mind, 3D mammography was recently developed.
As well as being revolutionary, the 3D mammography procedure allows the doctor to see masses and distortions associated with cancer more clearly in 3D images.

A good analogy for 3D mammography is the pages of a book.
If you look at the cover, you can’t see all the pages.
But when you open it, you can go through the whole book, page by page.
3D mammography is designed with the same concept in mind.

Instead of seeing all the intricacies of the breast tissue, superimposed on a flat image as in a traditional mammogram, the 3D mammography system allows the doctor to examine the breast tissue, layer by layer.
The smallest details are clearly visible, without being hidden by the other tissues.

difference between 2D and 3D mammography

Mammography vs 3D Mammography: Advantages

  • 3D mammography increases the detection of invasive breast cancers by 40%;
  • 3D mammography reduces the need for unnecessary and painful extra tests (re-analyses and biopsies);
  • 3D mammography is clearly a revolution and a giant step towards a cure.

What does it detect?

3D mammography is revolutionizing breast cancer screening.
Clinical studies show that this technology discovers cancers that would be undetectable in traditional mammograms.
This technology was approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in 2011.

Mammography with 3D Tomosynthesis


Agreements and Prices of Mammography with Tomosynthesis

  • ADSE (user only pays the co-payment), IASFA, ADM GNR, SAD PSP;
  • Insurers: Médis, Multicare, Advance Care, Allianz, Saúde Prime, Future HealthCare, SS CGD, SAMS Quadros, SAMS, Montepio, RNA, Generali, Mudum, MGEN, Aegon, Vitória, Una Seguros, other insurers.
  • Health plans: Medicare, Saúde Prime, Future HealthCare, Continente Wells, ACP, other health plans.

The price varies depending on the health system or insurance you want to use.

Where to do it?

3D mammography can be performed at NRD (Avenida Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, nº 11-B, r/c, 1070 – 060 Lisboa – Junto à Praça de Espanha), or at the X-Clinic (Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, nº26 – Middle floor, 1070-110 Lisboa).