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MR Enterography

What is it?

MR Enterography aims to assessthe intestine. In general, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic test that uses a high-intensity magnetic field and radio waves to visualize the internal structures of organs with great definition.

How is it done?

This is a simple test with no side effects or harm to your health, as it does not use ionizing radiation.
The area to be examined will be positioned in the center of the MRI scanner, which is open at both ends.
During the examination, you will hear different sounds.
To reduce the perception of these noises, you will be fitted with earplugs and will be able to listen to music of your choice.

entero magnetic resonance

Preparing for MR Enterography

Fasting for 3 hours in the event of a contrast examination.

Guidelines during MR Enterography

Throughout the MRI scan, you will be constantly monitored by the imaging technician in charge of your scan.
You will also be provided with an alert system that you can activate should you need it.

Your cooperation is very important for the success of your exam, namely following the instructions given and remaining still.

The entire NRD team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Agreements and Prices of MR Enterography

  • ADSE (the user only pays the 30€ co-payment), IASFA, ADM GNR, SAD PSP;
  • Insurers: Médis, Multicare, Advance Care, Allianz, Saúde Prime, Future HealthCare, SS CGD, SAMS Quadros, SAMS, Montepio, RNA, Generali, Mudum, MGEN, Aegon, Vitória, Una Seguros, other insurers.
  • Health plans: Medicare, Saúde Prime, Future HealthCare, Continente Wells, ACP, other health plans.

The price varies depending on the health system or insurance you want to use.

Learn more about price of MRI.

Where to do it?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging can be done at the NRD, at the following address: Avenida Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, nº 11-B, r/c (Next to Praça de Espanha)1070 – 060 Lisbon

How long does MR Enterography take?

The average MRI scan takes between 15 and 30 minutes and can take longer depending on the indication and the study.
You can see the types of MRI available at the bottom of this page.

Should I take any special care after the exam?

After the examination, you can resume your normal daily activities.